Friday, July 28, 2006

Shout Out to All the Mommies of Multiples Doing the Breastfeeding Shuffle

Emmie over at Better Make it a Double is doing a great thing for Moms of Multiples. She is collecting stories and experiences from mothers who've breastfed their multiples to share with moms who are considering it or who may be having problems with it. In her words:

Let's keep it along the lines of "this is what worked for us", and leave the heated debates for some other forum. There is certainly something to be said for peer-reviewed research, statistics, and science. But there is also something to be said for stories, experiences, and perspectives...

If you didn’t breastfeed, for whatever reason, this is not intended to make anyone feel bad or dredge up all that stuff.

I think this is a great idea, Emmie, because as a mother of multiples, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the babies, overwhelmed with the care two (or more) at a time requires, and encouragement and a Village of real people who have done this difficult stuff (and lived to tell the tale!) to turn to in one's darkest hour--well it is hard to express how much that means.

Here are the links to her featured Breastfeeding Multiples sections (also featured in my new sidebar section!):

Encouragement for Breastfeeding Moms of Multiples

Breastfeeding Multiples: The Early Months

Breastfeeding Older Infant and Toddler Multiples

Breastfeeding Multiples While Working

Higher Order Multiples: Breastfeeding Triplets and More

Breastfeeding Twins and Supply Issues

I will be trying to add some of my stories from those early days as well (I have to dust off the sleep deprived haze first, but I know I have them in my memory bank somewhere).

Once again, thanks Emmie for putting this together!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i tried and failed...i felt like a horrible mom....

i couldn't imagine doing it with multiples.. wow im impressed!!!

31 July, 2006 16:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome support!

01 August, 2006 20:04  
Blogger Northwoods Baby said...

I have singletons (2.5 and 5 months. today! how did that happen so fast?) and I'm tandem nursing them. It can be a lot of work and pretty frustrating. I can't imagine nursing multiples. Kudos!

03 August, 2006 15:00  

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