Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Summertime, and the livin's easy...

Summer vacation. The big kids, including the hubz, are home from school. There are no alarm clocks ringing, no places to be. The only people on schedules are the Fellers: wake up, potty; eat breakfast, potty; playtime, potty; lunch time, potty; and so-forth. Time has no more meaning than morning, noon, night. It is reduced to an antiquated simplicity measured by the lazy arc of the sun across the sky. I have no idea what day of the week it is, nor the date, and for the most part, don't care. For now, I am blissfully unconcerned and unaware or of commitments and schedules, spending my days teaching required social skills to the Fellers, working the garden project, watering and weeding and waiting for it to bear fruit, making dinner, folding laundry, enveloped in this faux biodome of my mind, mostly serene, certainly yet blessedly uneventful, momentarily living in the moment. Momentary paradise, or at least as close as it gets, at the MacBoudica Abode.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man oh, man! Am I ever jealous! We are still in the midst of that end of the school year chaos---seems as though there is something every minute; I am soooo done with school for this year! Only four (school) days remain and, I swear, they can't come quickly enough for me.


15 June, 2006 08:38  
Blogger Mom101 said...

I would love nothing more than to have authored this post. Now if only I could find that 5 mill I left in my other pair of pants...

15 June, 2006 14:27  
Blogger shade said...

Enjoy it while it last:)

19 June, 2006 19:22  

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